Making Cents of It All

Nutrition that Works for Your Golf Game - Cindel Gwyn

Jesse Stakes Season 3 Episode 80

If you are Professional at Anything BUT Golf...this is for you!

Do you drink one water for every beer you have on the golf course?  Do you eat food before you go out and during your round to keep your blood sugar even?  Are you that person that start strong and you just feel like you lose your game after the 15th hole?  We were tempted to call this one, "Golf, Booze, and Birdies", but it is about so much more than that!  

Cindel Gwyn is a registered Dietician that specializes in providing golfers of all ability levels quality advice and nutrition plans to allow them to play their best when they are on the course.  

Cindel takes us through how potential dips in blood sugar levels, hydration, and other things that we sometimes choose to partake in on the golf course effect your game and your body.  

#golf #nutrition #dietetics #diet #food #hydration #water #beer #liquor #makescents #makessense #podcast #jessestakes


00:00:03.010 --> 00:00:18.580
Jesse Stakes: Hey, everybody! Welcome sense of it all again, as part of our series of professional at anything but golf. I am pleased to bring you Cindel Gwynn. She's a registered dietician, and she has a focus on the golf industry. Sindel, thank you so much for joining me.

00:00:18.930 --> 00:00:20.570
Cindel Gwyn: My pleasure. Thank you for having me.

00:00:20.700 --> 00:00:26.729
Jesse Stakes: And, as always, Wes Altas is co-hosting with me. Wes. Thanks again, as always, for joining me on this series. It's been a lot of.

00:00:26.730 --> 00:00:35.830
Wes Altice Golf: You're welcome. Man. Yeah, this is, this is always fun and get another angle for the the golfers out there that are trying to improve the game. This is going to be another great conversation for us.

00:00:35.830 --> 00:00:54.370
Jesse Stakes: That's the whole goal is to just give people a little taste of things, give them an idea of the different things that affect their golf game. So that being, said, Cindel, at a high level, before we dive into everything, can you share with my audience what you do and and kind of how you know. Kind of how you kind of got to where you were focusing on the nutrition aspect of golf as well.

00:00:54.920 --> 00:01:22.749
Cindel Gwyn: Yeah. So I'm a registered dietician. I have double degree. I went back to school at 1 point to get this. I'm originally a finance major. I typically historically have worked with Medicaid Medicare 55 and up. But when I 1st got into dietetics I've always wanted to work with athletes. So I did my practicing project on. It's something that's always interest me. As an athlete. That's how I got into nutrition or focusing on food. And what was I was putting my own body?

00:01:22.750 --> 00:01:25.191
Cindel Gwyn: So when I met Mo

00:01:25.680 --> 00:01:42.730
Cindel Gwyn: I decided to get back into teaching juniors. So that's where it started. And now it's it's growing. I have a couple of older clients, and it's it's a nice way to give back, knowing as a player where I missed out nutritionally. I can now give back and educate those upcoming.

00:01:42.970 --> 00:01:57.399
Jesse Stakes: Okay, I'm gonna take a step back really quick, because you just said you were a double major in finance and nutrition. So how in the world. Do you go from finance to nutrition? I know people are going to be Whoa! That's a huge. That's a huge difference. That's a left turn right there.

00:01:57.900 --> 00:02:07.499
Cindel Gwyn: It was a big one. So when I went to college my main goal was just to play golf so and then finance. I like numbers. I'm I'm I like math. Nutrition is also math

00:02:07.950 --> 00:02:20.210
Cindel Gwyn: but finance was like presented. I got into the business program at Nc. State graduated. I worked a couple of years as an account manager for a local, actually commercial insurance company.

00:02:20.330 --> 00:02:41.370
Cindel Gwyn: It wasn't my favorite. I loved my my boss at the time. I just did not like the desk job, so I sat down with my dad. I looked at a bunch of things that I was interested in. I loved cooking at that time, and I was really into physical fitness. So I kind of combined the 2, and then came across dietetics, and then I went back to school, and here we are.

00:02:41.940 --> 00:02:46.870
Jesse Stakes: That's awesome. That's really. I mean, it's a cool story. And I think that it's I think it's really, you know.

00:02:46.960 --> 00:02:59.750
Jesse Stakes: a lot of respect to you to figuring out very early that you were like. That's probably not for me. Let's get. Let's find what I'm passionate about. Let's sound. Let's find what I'm excited about. I I mean, I I can kind of relate. I was a I was a college athlete, played baseball.

00:03:00.260 --> 00:03:13.407
Jesse Stakes: And I thought, Yeah, I'm here to play baseball. That's what I want to do. I'm gonna get a business degree. Well, I've got a business degree that's actually carried me much further than baseball did so. So it's kudos to you for finding that passion early in life.

00:03:13.670 --> 00:03:14.250
Cindel Gwyn: Thank you.

00:03:14.720 --> 00:03:17.729
Jesse Stakes: So like you said you played golf through college. Yes.

00:03:17.730 --> 00:03:18.950
Cindel Gwyn: Yes, I did.

00:03:18.950 --> 00:03:45.710
Jesse Stakes: And so, you know, kind of like, how did that? I mean I get it that you're you're passionate about dietetics, and you and you figured that part out early, like with with college. But what was it that actually, you know, germinated to marry the 2 together as far as saying, okay, I want to focus on athletics golf specifically. But talk about like, actually bring on clients that need my help. As far as bringing that. You know, the nutrition component to what they're doing with their golf game.

00:03:46.966 --> 00:03:52.903
Cindel Gwyn: So when I went back to dietetics initially, I always wanted to work with athletes, and that was my goal.

00:03:53.340 --> 00:04:13.700
Cindel Gwyn: Since I have worked with the older population cause I also enjoy them as well, but I wanted to bring back, and, you know, diversify my clientele so mo Mo. Who does St. John's Academy in Florida, you know, was looking for a dietician to kind of partner with a couple of different other disciplines, and, you know work with their juniors.

00:04:14.041 --> 00:04:32.939
Cindel Gwyn: To kind of make sure that we have them on the right pathway to, you know, play collegiately or meet them wherever they are. So I was really excited when she reached out, and it's always been fun and challenging to take on new clients, and, you know, keep yourself fresh. But also I remember

00:04:32.940 --> 00:04:46.239
Cindel Gwyn: when I played for Nc. State initially the 1st 2 years I was not the best eater. I was not a runner. I I went in with no nutrition background. I hit up taco bell and cook out, and

00:04:46.565 --> 00:05:03.340
Cindel Gwyn: wasn't interested in fitness. And then all of a sudden I started seeing how much of an impact it had on my performance, how much better I felt focusing on these things. And I just like to share with those that are interested in the same sport. My experiences and my knowledge now with dietetics.

00:05:03.910 --> 00:05:13.170
Jesse Stakes: It's awesome. So my college diet so you know, was all around. How much money did I have to spend per day as an athlete. I looked at it as I can when I I lived in Tallah

00:05:13.300 --> 00:05:36.437
Jesse Stakes: breakfast for $2 and 10 cents the hobo special at the local barbecue restaurant. I could pick up a Wendy's hamburger, for underneath 99 cents, and then I could hit up the the Chinese buffet for dinner most every single night, and I could keep my whole bill for the day under $10. That was how I focused on nutrition as a college athlete. So I can. You know I I may have you beat. There.

00:05:37.195 --> 00:05:40.454
Cindel Gwyn: You do you do? That's well done.

00:05:41.440 --> 00:05:46.459
Jesse Stakes: So, Wes, you know, I we always try to kind of draw this back towards you know our, the, the.

00:05:46.680 --> 00:05:57.459
Jesse Stakes: the audience that we're focusing on, which is that you know that 30 to 60 year old person who's playing playing the game recreationally when you're when you're going through from a from a

00:05:57.790 --> 00:06:17.519
Jesse Stakes: from a coaching perspective. And you're talking to the person about playing golf. How much does how much do you dive into nutrition? Or you know, and I'll take it even like it's because it is part of nutrition. When you're talking about nutrition. You're also talking about hydration. You're talking about all of these things that you're doing? Is this a conversation that you're having on a regular basis with people that are coming in to improve their golf game?

00:06:17.910 --> 00:06:34.480
Wes Altice Golf: Yeah, it's I don't think it's something regular basis with the average golfer. I think it's something when they're trying to, you know, take it to that next level and prove a little bit. Then the conversation comes out. Is alright. When do you tire out during a round? When does this kind of happen? It's usually

00:06:34.600 --> 00:06:42.559
Wes Altice Golf: at the turn, all 11 or 12. They start just to gas out, and the scores starting to balloon. Then I'll go back like, well.

00:06:42.620 --> 00:06:45.220
Wes Altice Golf: how are you hiding? Especially this time of the year? I mean.

00:06:45.260 --> 00:06:53.650
Wes Altice Golf: hydration is, you know, way way up there, in my opinion, just to make sure your mental clarity. You know you're getting the right stuff in.

00:06:53.750 --> 00:07:01.110
Wes Altice Golf: but I think most people that are trying to get better don't look at this part, and they go and get a hot dog, and you know

00:07:01.260 --> 00:07:09.789
Wes Altice Golf: you know, a soda and a beer at the turn, and that's not really going to help them in the long run. And so I think it's something important. It's something I do bring

00:07:09.980 --> 00:07:13.960
Wes Altice Golf: to their attention. I'm like, Hey, even if you can't have something. Put some

00:07:14.110 --> 00:07:22.910
Wes Altice Golf: beef jerky in your bag, because it's really not going to go old, so you can leave it in there for a little bit, and then just drink as much water as possible when you go.

00:07:22.950 --> 00:07:50.640
Wes Altice Golf: and if they're the player that likes to have a few cocktails out there, I'm like. Take a couple of swigs of beer, take a couple of sips of water and do your best to stay hydrated, but that's where I think you know, having someone that knows more about it, especially in this situation, can really help our listeners like all right. What should you be eating the day before your breakfast. You know. What should you be having mid round to kind of help? Keep those energy levels up and your mental clarity up as well.

00:07:51.360 --> 00:08:03.019
Jesse Stakes: So let's talk about that, Cindel. Like as far as when you're you know, you're get you get past somebody from somebody from somebody like Wes or somebody like Mo, and they're saying, Hey, this person is interested in looking at their nutrition. Where do you start.

00:08:04.290 --> 00:08:28.590
Cindel Gwyn: I mainly start. So once I get a referral, I send out an intake form that I asked them to complete prior to the 1st meet. So I look at their medical history. I like to get a good background. Know if they have. You know, any conditions that I need to know about. I get a list of medications so that I can factor that in, you know, some people have thyroid issues. So that's a a timing issue that you have to consider food allergies, religious preferences.

00:08:28.760 --> 00:08:51.279
Cindel Gwyn: I also ask about what's their work schedule, or with the juniors? What's your school schedule? What's your workout schedule? And also what's the intensity of your workout? So this way we can meet, and then kind of get going, and also have a picture of where they are, how their schedule is, and potentially how they get their food

00:08:51.420 --> 00:09:11.670
Cindel Gwyn: ideally. I would also like to get a food journal for 2 days of them during the week, everything they eat and drink, and then one weekend day. So again, I get an idea of where they are when they eat and how they get their food. And that way I can kind of build a profile for them. It's more or less the initially data analysis.

00:09:11.710 --> 00:09:17.029
Cindel Gwyn: and then you move on to goal setting and nutrition, education and kind of break it down that way.

00:09:17.400 --> 00:09:19.320
Jesse Stakes: So let's just say, you know.

00:09:19.510 --> 00:09:36.429
Jesse Stakes: and maybe this doesn't really exist in in real life. But just, you know, plain Jane, somebody walks in, and they're saying, what's the best way to for me to eat into hydrate on the golf course like, is there kind of a is there kind of a standard, and then from the standard you deviate, depending on the person? Or is it is it different for every person.

00:09:37.610 --> 00:09:44.480
Cindel Gwyn: I mean, there can be a standard. Yes, for your non competitive golfers there can be kind of a guideline. So, for example.

00:09:44.480 --> 00:09:45.590
Jesse Stakes: Talking, to.

00:09:45.590 --> 00:10:09.120
Cindel Gwyn: So, for example, you want to eat, you want to try and eat at least 3 to 4 h in advance. That being said, if you have 8 o'clock tea time that can be difficult. So that's when planning comes into place. So you can grab a protein bar. You can go ahead and kind of prep your egg and cheese sandwich, you know, the night before. You just want to have something to kind of get you going in the morning you want to start off with those like

00:10:09.240 --> 00:10:15.369
Cindel Gwyn: low glycemic index or good grains and good protein mixture before you head to the course.

00:10:15.500 --> 00:10:21.960
Jesse Stakes: And so why is that? Why? Why would they want to eat 3 to 4 h before? And that type of that type of food. What does that do for them.

00:10:22.560 --> 00:10:47.600
Cindel Gwyn: So that type of food so carbohydrates, it's kind of the basis of everything. It's fundamentally everything that you do. And so, in order to perform on the golf. Course. You have to fuel your body. You're gonna be burning calories. You're gonna be working. You're swinging, you're sweating. You're you know. You're thinking. So. You have to fuel your body, and it's like a car. You can't run a car without gas, so you're fueling your body. So that's why you try to eat before again, and hydrate as well before.

00:10:47.910 --> 00:10:58.780
Jesse Stakes: Pair. So as people go through their round as they start to get into the, you know. Get into it right now. We're in Florida. I know you're up in the Carolinas. I believe it's hot. It's you know people are sweating. Once they hit the course

00:10:58.960 --> 00:11:00.990
Jesse Stakes: from there. What do you recommend?

00:11:01.510 --> 00:11:18.729
Cindel Gwyn: So again, if you're able to eat in 3, 3 to 4 h in advance. Great, if not, try to have a protein bar before. Once you're on the course you want to try to eat something, for, like your middle aged adult upper age 4 to 5 holes, eat something, trail, mix ham and cheese your jerky with your cheese.

00:11:18.800 --> 00:11:23.750
Cindel Gwyn: just something to fuel like you don't want to eat like a snickers bar, because again.

00:11:23.890 --> 00:11:39.620
Cindel Gwyn: blood sugar is a very important aspect of this. It's for concentration you don't want to fatigue out. You don't want to have big spikes in it because it impacts your performance and your cognitive or your mental status during your play. So you want to kind of keep it low and consistent and smooth, smooth ride.

00:11:40.460 --> 00:11:45.948
Jesse Stakes: 100%. No, I I can. I can relate to that. I can. I can totally understand where you're coming from.

00:11:46.660 --> 00:11:49.220
Jesse Stakes: when it comes to like.

00:11:49.390 --> 00:11:50.530
Jesse Stakes: Okay, you get

00:11:50.800 --> 00:11:55.190
Jesse Stakes: who's listening to this are interested. And they're they're kind of, you know, they're they're

00:11:55.190 --> 00:12:22.569
Jesse Stakes: they think. Okay. Well, you know, I have some sort of a health issue health problem, whether it's whether they're diabetic or they have a thyroid condition. If they have certain things like that, like, I would imagine that at that point in time, then it is. It may look very similar, but at that, but at that point in time it really is customized. It really is, you know, before you take any advice, before you listen to anything that we just said here, it's have a consultation actually dive into it and really address that because it's gonna look different for you.

00:12:23.200 --> 00:12:45.770
Cindel Gwyn: Absolutely timing is everything your condition? It it matters, you know, especially if you are diabetic. So you wanna make sure to be more consistent. Consult a dietician, ask about it, know where your blood sugars are. Know your a. 1 c. Know how to monitor it. Understand what a glycemic index food is, you know, understand what a carb is. A lot of nutrition, education counseling the foundation of it is

00:12:45.900 --> 00:13:02.680
Cindel Gwyn: teaching people what things are. What's a protein. A lot of people don't always know what's a carbohydrate like? What's a you know a whole grain, you know. How do I get the most fiber? And it's just like teaching that just the ground like things so that you can build upon it. And then they can sustain long term.

00:13:04.090 --> 00:13:25.680
Jesse Stakes: I gotta imagine, too, in our older population, like I never. You know I would have these conversations with my father where my dad would be like he'd he'd pick up something. Well, well, this is healthy, right? And it's like, you know, it's no, it's not. It's you know, and it's like they. They really had no education on food like our real, like our baby boomers for your like. They really were not educated well on food and on on how to eat. It was just

00:13:25.680 --> 00:13:36.009
Jesse Stakes: it was more you eat, you eat to eat because you're hungry, or because you have to eat to stay alive. But it was really not an education around. How the different types of fuel that you can put into your body are going to affect you.

00:13:36.400 --> 00:13:43.161
Cindel Gwyn: Right. Yes, yes, they definitely missed out on that. My dad is a baby boomer himself. So work in progress.

00:13:43.740 --> 00:13:48.409
Jesse Stakes: Wes, do you have any questions I didn't want? I don't. Wanna. I don't want to suck up all Cindel's time and and

00:13:48.570 --> 00:13:50.649
Jesse Stakes: suck up all the air in the room here.

00:13:50.650 --> 00:14:14.269
Wes Altice Golf: She's got. She's got better information I'm going to. But I think things that have come up like recently with like additives to water you got. You know your liquid Ivs. You've got your element. You got stuff like that, especially in the hotter climates. When you're losing, you're sweating and losing a lot of water and salt. Are there certain things that you like to be able to put in water as an additive to help people get the hydration. I've heard.

00:14:14.270 --> 00:14:23.849
Wes Altice Golf: you know, a small pinch of Celtic sea salt in your water can help get some of the the salt back in your system. Just curious what your thoughts are on those type of things.

00:14:25.220 --> 00:14:36.010
Cindel Gwyn: Depends person to person. So again, that's why you consult a dietician. There you have salty sweaters, so you can always tell hat Brim. They have more of a salt mark.

00:14:36.280 --> 00:14:59.519
Cindel Gwyn: Some people sweat more than others, some people require less, so it it varies person to person, but the concern sometimes like liquid. Iv is like a full dose of like everything that you need in a day. No, like you don't really need to drink multiple of those, and I think that's a misconception in the population, cause it's not. It's advertised as like this awesome electro, like beverage is going to make you feel better perform better. But it doesn't really give you like.

00:15:00.140 --> 00:15:12.350
Cindel Gwyn: Be careful, because it has, like magnesium and potassium and things that can mess with you internally. Your heart your rhythms and things like that. I tend to stick to just simple things. So your gatorade.

00:15:12.350 --> 00:15:37.319
Cindel Gwyn: So if you want to keep packets in there, at least have maybe one gatorade at least around, maybe one afterwards depending upon. If you're salty, if you lose a lot like how you work out, it kind of varies person to person, but I tend to kind of go for those more than the elements and the liquid Ivs, because they have such a higher concentration of sodium magnesium and things like that. And if someone has like high blood pressure, and they're doing a liquid Iv or

00:15:37.320 --> 00:15:49.580
Cindel Gwyn: or an element that's like the days with sodium sometimes. So it's like, if they're not sweating that out or working that out that could, you know, impact their health. So it's important to kind of know or consult your doctor before

00:15:49.820 --> 00:15:53.792
Cindel Gwyn: adding all of these things, or you know your dietician.

00:15:54.300 --> 00:16:01.150
Cindel Gwyn: But yeah. So again, about one gatorade, maybe one afterwards. But again, kind of sticking to water and sipping throughout the round

00:16:01.300 --> 00:16:05.369
Cindel Gwyn: with hydration. The key is also to start prior.

00:16:05.590 --> 00:16:33.090
Cindel Gwyn: It's to incorporate these things in your day to day, and the same with nutrition. If you wanna improve your golf game, it doesn't. If you're only playing like once or twice a week, and you're just doing like the right things on those days. It's gonna help a little bit. Yes, but in bigger picture, if you incorporate it into your day to day getting the habit of eating breakfast. That's gonna improve your metabolism. I know so many people that skip breakfast. It drives me crazy. It's like the best meal of the day, like I get excited to wake up and eat food. It's great.

00:16:33.090 --> 00:16:35.680
Jesse Stakes: It's my favorite part of.

00:16:35.680 --> 00:17:00.260
Cindel Gwyn: And people are like, I'm not hungry, but it's because, like you trained your body to be this way, you're a product of like what you've done throughout your life. So when you hit thirties, forties, fifties, if you haven't been eating breakfast, of course you're going to wake up, and you're not going to be hungry. You've trained your body to think that you're not going to feed it. Yeah. So it holds on to things. It slows your metabolism, and then, as you get older, it gets a little bit slower and slower and slower.

00:17:00.500 --> 00:17:03.009
Cindel Gwyn: Yeah, big advocate for breakfast here.

00:17:03.010 --> 00:17:23.279
Wes Altice Golf: Yeah, I mean, there's a reason, you know, I was told by someone like they call it breakfast for a reason, because you're breaking the fast that you just had from the night before. It's just like they they literally named it. So you're breaking your fast, because if you're sleeping 6 to 8 h with nothing coming in. So I always kind of kept that in my head because I wasn't a big breakfast eater when I was a kid.

00:17:23.520 --> 00:17:24.250
Wes Altice Golf: but

00:17:24.420 --> 00:17:38.361
Wes Altice Golf: because I'd like to sleep in. So I was like, Wake up, go to the go to school. It wasn't like, Wake up, have breakfast, then go to school so recently, I've definitely been more of a breakfast person, and I'm a foodie. I like food, so it gives me another reason to eat.

00:17:39.160 --> 00:17:49.610
Cindel Gwyn: It also kind of calms your nerves, because if you wake up late, for you know you're rushing to get to your tea time, you're kind of rushing through your morning. You're not like feeling your body, and you get to the golf course, and you're just like

00:17:50.200 --> 00:18:08.340
Cindel Gwyn: you know your your hormones are all out of whack. You're on your fight or flight mode so that can impact how you start your round. So if you're a person that's rushing to get there, and you notice that your scores are higher. Initially, it's kind of because of that. It takes you a while to wind down, and then you eat something, and then your body's like, Okay, I'm I'm good now and then. Yeah.

00:18:08.590 --> 00:18:10.020
Wes Altice Golf: Great Point, Great Point.

00:18:10.020 --> 00:18:14.689
Jesse Stakes: I'll have to keep that in mind next time I double the 1st call. I'll believe it. I'm not having breakfast exactly.

00:18:14.690 --> 00:18:15.040
Wes Altice Golf: Wasn't.

00:18:15.040 --> 00:18:15.860
Jesse Stakes: Something.

00:18:15.860 --> 00:18:19.359
Wes Altice Golf: Full employment on not having some alcohol, too, so you gotta be careful.

00:18:19.850 --> 00:18:20.270
Jesse Stakes: Amen!

00:18:20.270 --> 00:18:21.610
Wes Altice Golf: The.

00:18:21.610 --> 00:18:26.539
Jesse Stakes: Jump into that cause. That was where I was going next. So thank you for the nice smooth transition there. So.

00:18:26.540 --> 00:18:28.690
Wes Altice Golf: That's I'm the co-host. There's.

00:18:28.690 --> 00:18:44.780
Jesse Stakes: We have people that are in that 30 to 60 year old range. They play for fun on the weekends, they play with their buddies. They go out on trips and alcohol, and you know whether it's beer or something else of beverage of preference. Hopefully, not red or white wine on the golf course. I will not play with you, but anyways

00:18:46.210 --> 00:19:00.510
Jesse Stakes: they enjoy having a beverage while they're playing, or maybe a couple. And so for those people. How is that impacting their body like? Just so they know? Like, while they're, you know, when they're when they start, you know, imbibing on the course. What is that doing to them other than making them feel a little bit

00:19:01.040 --> 00:19:01.860
Jesse Stakes: happy?

00:19:02.680 --> 00:19:09.300
Cindel Gwyn: So I mean at first, st let's say the alcohol. It can take off the edge it makes. It's a social lubricant, as everyone says.

00:19:09.300 --> 00:19:10.070
Jesse Stakes: Sure.

00:19:10.070 --> 00:19:19.230
Cindel Gwyn: But in a sport where kind of maintaining your blood sugar levels is like so important for mental function, physical function, it

00:19:19.230 --> 00:19:43.950
Cindel Gwyn: alcohol inhibits your livers ability to release glucose. So that's the sugar that your body is fueled on. So when this happens, it can kind of drop your blood sugar, and it kind of gives you that fatigue you start to. It can cause you to loosen distance. Accuracy. It, it can dehydrate you. Alcohol is a diuretic. It immediately starts having your body release all the fluids. You start to go to the restroom more.

00:19:43.950 --> 00:19:45.049
Cindel Gwyn: which again, like

00:19:45.050 --> 00:20:06.369
Cindel Gwyn: that's why hydrate hydrating before after the round even days. Prior is important, so that you're not like trying to make up for it on the course and run into the bathroom every 3 holes, cause that's not good for folks, either. And then, if you're not hydrating or sipping with water, or a gatorade in between, you can become dehydrated. Some people depending upon the extent of it can have cramps.

00:20:06.520 --> 00:20:09.630
Cindel Gwyn: muscle, fatigue. It can really like throw you off.

00:20:09.930 --> 00:20:18.290
Jesse Stakes: Sure. No, I think, and that's and I think that kind of goes back to what Wes was saying, as well as far as making sure that if you are drinking, make sure you've got that water going in at the same time.

00:20:18.290 --> 00:20:23.420
Cindel Gwyn: Yes, absolutely. And if you want to mix it in, they have a lot of near beers out

00:20:23.500 --> 00:20:35.809
Cindel Gwyn: now. So like, pack you a couple of those. So it kind of gives you the same vibe. But you're not. It doesn't have the alcohol content in it. It's, you know, you know, the 0 point 5% alcohol beers.

00:20:35.810 --> 00:20:47.170
Jesse Stakes: I totally hear what you're saying. I don't think the crowd of people that I play golf with would take would take kindly to that I think that would that would lead to a lot of razzing, and then we might have to go see the the mental coach afterwards.

00:20:47.170 --> 00:20:48.303
Cindel Gwyn: Oh, no.

00:20:50.350 --> 00:21:01.649
Cindel Gwyn: fair. Well, just be mindful and pace yourself, and make sure you drink plenty of fluids in between and snack, you know, because the snacks that we talked about kind of help. Keep your blood sugars up, and it keeps you fueled throughout the round.

00:21:01.650 --> 00:21:30.150
Jesse Stakes: No doubt. Do you have any favorite success? Stories like people that have come to you where they were struggling? And maybe they thought it was something else in their game. But you were able to kind of you were able to have a good conversation with them about their nutrition, about how they were eating through their round, or how they were, you know, kind of structuring their diet, and it improved their play, and it made them, you know where they thought it may have been something else. They may have thought it was their ability or their ability to concentrate, but it really was them, and how they were, how they were feeding their body, how they were feeling themselves.

00:21:30.680 --> 00:21:57.840
Cindel Gwyn: So there's 1 lady that I've been working with, and for a lot some golfers are, you know, dieters. I will say they get put on these diets, and you know they're pretty strict calorie or calorie wise, and so they can sometimes be very active people. They work, they work out, they go and play golf. They hit balls afterwards, but they've been given this like restriction that

00:21:57.840 --> 00:22:10.169
Cindel Gwyn: kinda is inhibiting their performance because they're under feeding their body. They're not able to perform because they're under eating. And it's very hard to break people of this, because it's like, I don't want to gain weight.

00:22:10.170 --> 00:22:28.379
Cindel Gwyn: So it's like you have to do kind of a reverse diet. So again, like we train your body to to perform the way that it does like, if you're not giving your body enough food. It's gonna start holding on to things and keeping it because it doesn't know when you're going to feed it the next time, or if you hoard your calories to the end of the day or after the round

00:22:28.820 --> 00:22:57.999
Cindel Gwyn: it doesn't know. So therefore it holds, and therefore it's not releasing things. You can't utilize your muscles and your energy to the optimal capacity. So when I start telling people to eat more frequently, or this person in particular, like, eat breakfast, eat a snack afterwards like eat, then add snacks, you know, calories, carbs. They they kind of freak out, but then once they do, their body feels better. And then this person in particular I'm talking about. She has more energy. She has more off, like less fatigue.

00:22:58.340 --> 00:23:10.770
Cindel Gwyn: Yeah. So it's just important to like, make sure that you meet your needs because your body is doing exactly what you're training it to do. Like you teach your own body, how to, how to work, and how to optimize everything that you're giving it.

00:23:11.460 --> 00:23:20.490
Jesse Stakes: I think it's a fantastic answer. I think that you know it's just like everything else. There are people when they think about playing golf, or they think about this, they think about their equipment they may even think about

00:23:20.670 --> 00:23:40.199
Jesse Stakes: is in in improving their swing. They don't always, you know, kind of kind of look at the, you know. Take a check up on their, on their, on their mental state, and they don't take a check up on where they are with their own, with their own nutrition, with their own dietetics, with their own water consumption, all of those things. And they're so important. And and you know, as through this conversation.

00:23:40.310 --> 00:23:43.809
Jesse Stakes: and I want to, I want to reiterate to my audience here that

00:23:44.100 --> 00:23:50.970
Jesse Stakes: through this conversation I think what you're hearing is is that there is things that you can do on your own to do this. But if you feel like.

00:23:51.040 --> 00:24:16.749
Jesse Stakes: you know, if you have any kind of any kind of a chronic illness. Anything where you feel like your situation is not just vanilla. Then I encourage you, have a conversation with a professional, have a conversation with Cindel Gwen, and she can help you guys. So that being said, if somebody's interested, if somebody's if somebody's hooked after listening to this, and they said, You know what. This isn't, something that I've looked at, and I think it's something that I should explore more. What's the best way for somebody to get a hold of you.

00:24:17.300 --> 00:24:26.079
Cindel Gwyn: The best way to get a hold of me is by email, my email is CNGW,

00:24:26.650 --> 00:24:30.660
Jesse Stakes: We will make sure and put that underneath this video, too, when we when we release it.

00:24:30.740 --> 00:24:42.210
Jesse Stakes: Cyndal, I think this was awesome. I really want to thank you. And I want to thank you also, West, for joining. And I think this, I think this was great. I think it's 1 of those things to where it makes people think it makes people kind of, you know.

00:24:42.220 --> 00:24:52.549
Jesse Stakes: Look at what they put into their bodies and think. Well, maybe that, you know, is actually impacting the way I'm playing golf on a on a weekend or a weekly basis wherever, whenever they're playing. So thank you again, I appreciate you sharing with us.

00:24:52.760 --> 00:24:54.989
Cindel Gwyn: Absolutely thanks for having me. I had fun.

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